20 January 2010

Found in notebook...I was half rapper, half accountant, half grad student, 100% not amused with my current situation

I found this in a notebook a couple days ago.  Not sure when I wrote it since I have pretty much hated school from the second semester on...

You have to put a beat on in the back of your mind, then read this like you would if you were a rapper.

maybe kanye has a point
why am i chasin these degrees
maybe i should follow his leads
don't worry, i ain't gonna drop out
but i can't say
it hasn't crossed my mouth
yeah its crossed my mind
cuz sometimes
a good reason is hard to find
to stay on the college grind
shit, i could make it on tv
are you kidding me
i got so much talent
its hard to balance
between the sheets
where microsoft excel
and thread counts meet
the worlds at my feet
i struggle to find any man
who doesn't question his fool proof plan
yeah i got my confidence
but its evident that
maybe my education and experience
are irrelevant
i think big like an elephant
and hope my future isn't
tiny like an infant
i better not quit my day job