11 December 2009

Dear Winter,

I'm sorry this had to happen this way, but I can't live like this anymore.  I am so filled with emotion right now.  We have been together for so long, but this is just not how I envisioned our life together.  Relationships are a two-way street: give and take.
You have given me so many good times: bombing down hills on a piece of thin plastic, building snowmen, Saturday mornings after a fresh snow, you making the garage cold enough to keep beer cold.  I will cherish those times forever.

This is so hard because you take, you take my will - When you are around me, my life is filled with darkness.  I go to work, its dark.  I get home from work, its dark.  I spend each day putting layer after layer on to shield myself from you.  I can feel you right now grabbing my uncovered hands, slowly sucking out the warmth as I write this.  Your unrelenting cold chills me to the core, and I can't live like this.

I'm leaving you.  I don't know where I'll go - but it will be someplace nice and warm, where I will be accepted as the flip-flop wearer that I am.  Yes.  Someplace warm...maybe Glendale.

I hope you have a wonderful life and that you find someone that makes you happy.



  1. Thomas Andrew,
    You are a strange duck after all!!!

  2. Birdwolf - Too funny, nice blog!! Totes!!

  3. I'd say winter has given mostly bad times.
