17 November 2009

Roald Dahl's Infinite Wisdom

According to answers.com, a ninja is "A member of a class of 14th-century Japanese mercenary agents who were trained in the martial arts and hired for covert operations such as assassination and sabotage."

Keeping that definition in mind, I recall this story: When I woke up this morning, I could already tell I was in a better mood than I had been in a while. I thought about it on the 30 minute drive in to work. The answer was easy, I am getting close to the end of the semester.

But, I still have a ton of shit to do. Why am I feeling relieved already? Thought about it all day. I went to class and turned in yet another group case analysis.

On the way home, as I shifted lanes (rap reference), I came (sex reference)...to a shocking realization. I know exactly how to explain this feeling. (upcoming 1971 movie reference). I almost can't believe how accurate this is to how I feel...

OK, that meets my criterion; a rap reference, a sex reference, and a 1971 movie reference. I'm out.

Let's look back at one of the most classic movies of all time, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You know, Charlie and his crusty grandpa, all of the other spoiled bastards cruising through the factory breaking all of the rules and getting Oompa Loompa'd straight out of that joint.

Charlie and Grandpa Joe break a rule by drinking the Fizzy Lifting Drinks, and they start floating upward toward the big fan. They figure out that the way to get down is to start burping.

The practical application is this: I am Charlie. The Fizzy Lifting Drink is another painful semester in the MBA program, and after committing, I continue to rise to an unbelievable land of shitty moods. What can save me?? Burping my way through big milestone type assignments. Every group presentation, every case analysis, every test...I get closer to the ground level.

The ground level, where people actually enjoy my company. The ground level, where my mom calls me instead of Katie, because currently she "doesn't want to bother, because he's too grumpy".

WAR Financial responsibility and that all those people out there that drink Fuzzy Lifting Drinks finally learn how to burp...

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